Monday, July 21, 2008

Longing for easy times...

My blog is probably no fun to read. Some day it will be again.

Some day soon I will fill the pages with stories of my boys. I will tell you about how in love I am with my newborn baby. I will cry happy tears as I write these entries. I hope those days come soon.

Today, I am not there yet. I am in mourning for my life as it was. I want my children to have a normal schedule. I want my husband to be whole again. I want a day to pass that I don't cry, or worry, or feel like crawling in a hole.

I have always said that I would teach my children that life is not fair. HA! Life has really taught me that lately. I thought I knew, I thought I knew. I am so sad that that my boys are having to learn these hard lessons already. I know Carson and Connor are too young to know a whole lot about what is going on, but my Cadan feels it. I can see it on his face and in his spirit. That hurts me to my very core. I just want to protect my babies.

I worry so much about this baby I am carrying, baby Corbin. Has he been traumatized by all the events that have happened? I pray that he is healthy and happy.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I just wanted to let you know that I think of you often and pray for you and your husband and boys. I have faith that you will find joy and peace and satisfaction again. *hug*
