Thursday, November 6, 2008

The end of another work week....

I am so happy this work week is over. I am really liking my schedule, working 10 hours per day Monday through Thursday. I get three days with the boys!

We don't have any big plans this weekend. Tomorrow I have to take Corbin in for his first round of vaccinations. I am not looking forward to that. I am looking forward to getting his weight. I am guessing that he is over 12 pounds already. That little guy is doing some growing!

I also have to go to the doctor tomorrow. I am see an orthopedic hand specialist for my right wrist and hand. It has been hurting so bad this week. It seems to have come on quickly. I hope that it is something that can be treated easily.

Cadan has to take something to school tomorrow that starts with the letter I. I have no idea what to send. I will call my Mom for suggestions. She always has good ideas.

1 comment:

Tina Michelle said...

Enjoy your days off with the boys. I so look forward to my days off.