Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Today was such a good day.

This morning I spend time cuddling Carson just after he woke up. It seems like he has grown up so much in the past few months. He is talking like crazy. It is really amazing to just listen to him, and watch him play. He is such a smart little guy.

I went to Cadan's preschool Halloween party this afternoon. That was fun! He dressed up as Spiderman. I love to watch him interact with all the other children his age. Preschool has been really good for him. It has given him a stability that he was lacking at home with all the turmoil of the past few months.

Of course, this evening we went trick or treating. It was great fun! The boys were so polite, for the most part, anyway. We took my friends little boy, Oliver, with us, too. Oliver is a few months older than Connor. He is such a sweet little soul.

All of the boys were superhero's, except Corbin. He had a "My First Halloween" hat and bib, and a spooky onsie. Cadan and Oliver were Spiderman, Connor was Batman, and Carson was Superman. They ate way too much candy. That's what Halloween is all about!

Ahhh, it feels so good to look back at a day and know that it was good. I am trying to cherish that feeling. I want more of these days.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Still MIA, but I am planning a comeback...

So, I have neglected my blog. Life has been crazy busy since Corbin arrived, and I went back to work. I barely have time to breathe. Tonight was the first night this week that I have actually had dinner.

I miss the boys so much when I am at work. It is so hard to walk out that door in the mornings.

I want to be able to take Cadan to school. I have this crazy, irrational fear that his preschool teacher thinks that I am an absent Mom, since I never get to take him to school. I am off tomorrow, so plan on taking him. They are having a Halloween party, and a costume parade. I cannot wait!

I will try to come back soon.