Monday, April 27, 2009

A moment of clarity.

Over the past year, there have been times when I felt I was about as low as I could get.

Today, during some down time at work, I was reading random blogs. Things could have been so, so much worse. My children are healthy. My husband is recovering.

I am blessed beyond measure.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Getting close to a year.

The one year anniversary of Steve's accident is rapidly approaching. This past 11 months seems like years looking back. Can it really just be 11 months? Really?

So much in our lives has changed. We have a new baby! I am the one who has to go to work everyday and get as much overtime as I possibly can. Steve is in constant pain. The are endless doctors' appointments. Endless.

I feel like we are at a turning point. We can continue to travel the same path in our marriage or find a new one. It's time to make a positive change. I know that Steve & I are both tired. So very tired.

I just have to get the grit from the bottom of soul and be determined to make it.